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 17 results in yourPeople - Relatedsearch for"Yukio Ozaki"Advanced Search
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'The picture he so much admired had actually taken life..', 1919. Creator: Unknown.
Frontispiece to 'Romances of Old Japan', 1919.  Creator: Unknown.
'Mortally wounded, both men fell to the ground...', 1919.  Creator: Unknown.
'Gunbei had watched the execution of his cruel order from the veranda', 1919. Creator: Unknown.
'Yendo draws his sword...', 1919.  Creator: Unknown.
'To his unspeakable horror...the moonlight reveals the head of Kesa - his love!', 1919.  Creator: Unknown.
'He glared fiercely at the apparition...', 1919. Creator: Unknown.
'He was suddenly startled to see a girlish form coming towards him in the wavering shadows, 1919.  Creator: Unknown.
'As she spoke, Urasato leaned far out over the balcony...', 1919.  Creator: Unknown.
'Sawaichi...repeated the Buddhist invocation: "Namu Amida Butsu", 1919.  Creator: Unknown.
'"Listen Sawaichi!" said the Heavenly Voice...', 1919.  Creator: Unknown.
'"This is the head of Kanshusai, the son of the Lord Sugawara!"', 1919.  Creator: Unknown.
'The box, which served her as a shield, was speedily cut in two...', 1919.  Creator: Unknown.
"No, no", said Matsuo..."this is not the body of my boy", 1919.  Creator: Unknown.
'Her ghastly face and blood-stained garments...', 1919. Creator: Unknown.
'His beautiful hostess...began to sing a wild and beautiful air', 1919. Creator: Unknown.
'What was the young man's astonishment to see a pretty young girl standing just within the gate', 19 Creator: Unknown.